New Preprint Alert! The differing roles of flavins & quinones in L. plantarum EET

Congrats to PhD students Joe Tolar and Siliang Li for their preprint revealing a hybrid extracellular electron transfer mechanism (EET) in Lactiplantibacillus plantarum. In this paper, they discovered that L. plantarum can shift between using quinones or flavins to support EET. Which EET route the cells use depends on L. plantarum‘s access to environmental biomolecules and on the extracellular electron acceptors.

Check it out here:

New pub! Environmental Biosensor Selection

Congratulations to Swetha for her new publication in ACS Syn Bio: A Framework for the Systematic Selection of Biosensor Chassis for Environmental Synthetic Biology! Swetha lays out the requirements for an microbial biosensor for use in the environment and how to select an appropriate synthetic biology system. Check out the paper here.

Welcome, Xu!

Welcome Dr. Xu Zhang to the group as a new postdoc! She recently graduated from Ghent University, Belgium. She worked on electroactive biofilms characterization and applications in Prof. Korneel Rabaey’s group.

Congratulations to Marimikel!

Congratulations to Marimikel on getting her first scientific paper published! You can read all about “Transcriptomic analysis of the highly efficient oil-degrading bacterium Acinetobacter venetianus RAG-1 reveals genes important in dodecane uptake and utilization” it here.

Welcome, Lin!

Welcome Lin Su to the group! He is a visiting graduate student from Southeast University in Nanjing China, where he worked on bioelectrochemistry of microbes interacting with different nanomaterials.