So many changes! The group has moved to Rice University. We have new group members to welcome: Sara Molinari, Biki Kundu, Bobby Tesoriero, Matt Carpenter, Swetha Sridhar, and Xu Zhang. This year is going to be an adventure!
Congratulations Sam, Lin, & Jose!
Congratulations Chelsea!
Congratulations to Chelsea Catania, one of our users from Gui Bazan’s group at UC-Santa Barbara, on her new paper in RSC Advances describing how conjugated oligoelectrolytes improve biocatalysis.
Congratulations to Marimikel!
Congratulations to Marimikel on getting her first scientific paper published! You can read all about “Transcriptomic analysis of the highly efficient oil-degrading bacterium Acinetobacter venetianus RAG-1 reveals genes important in dodecane uptake and utilization” it here.
Welcome, Lin!
Welcome Lin Su to the group! He is a visiting graduate student from Southeast University in Nanjing China, where he worked on bioelectrochemistry of microbes interacting with different nanomaterials.
Congratulations, Heather, Annie, Michaela, and Mark!
For the awesome artwork (Annie) and science (Heather, Michaela, and Mark) gracing this month’s cover of ACS Synthetic Biology!
Welcome, Francesca!
A warm welcome to Francesca Manea, a new postdoc joining our group from Macquarie University in Australia!
Congratulations Heather, Michaela, and Mark!
Great job on your newest ACS Synthetic Biology paper, which describes E. coli which can grow on iron oxides! It is available ASAP here.
Come to our Abiotic/Biotic Miniworkshop!
Heinz Frei & I are hosting a miniworkshop at LBL on the Abiotic/Biotic Interface. If you are interested in this topic and would like to participate, please contact us!
Abiotic/Biotic Interface Miniworkshop
Friday, February 19, 2016 9am-1pm
Bldg 66 Room 316, LBL
This miniworkshop seeks to answer the question: How do we unravel the structure, energetics, and dynamics of the abiotic/biotic interface between inorganic materials and bacteria cells so as to enable design of efficient, scalable biohybrids?
Welcome, Joshua & Andrew!
Welcome to our newest undergraduate researchers, Joshua Deng and Andrew Prior!