Congratulations to Marimikel!

Congratulations to Marimikel on getting her first scientific paper published! You can read all about “Transcriptomic analysis of the highly efficient oil-degrading bacterium Acinetobacter venetianus RAG-1 reveals genes important in dodecane uptake and utilization” it here.

Welcome, Lin!

Welcome Lin Su to the group! He is a visiting graduate student from Southeast University in Nanjing China, where he worked on bioelectrochemistry of microbes interacting with different nanomaterials.

Come to our Abiotic/Biotic Miniworkshop!


Heinz Frei & I are hosting a miniworkshop at LBL on the Abiotic/Biotic Interface. If you are interested in this topic and would like to participate, please contact us!
Abiotic/Biotic Interface Miniworkshop
Friday, February 19, 2016 9am-1pm
Bldg 66 Room 316, LBL

This miniworkshop seeks to answer the question: How do we unravel the structure, energetics, and dynamics of the abiotic/biotic interface between inorganic materials and bacteria cells so as to enable design of efficient, scalable biohybrids?